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The Department of Music and Dance was established in 1975, training students in music, dance, and related courses in the humanities to take up key roles in the music, entertainment, and media industries. The curriculum of the Department exposes students to a broad cross-section of practices and theoretical perspectives in music and dance, including technological and entrepreneurial aspects of the performing arts. Integrating music and dance performance, sound and movement studies, and general studies. The programmes offered by the Department foster students’ intellectual and creative development and promote community and diversity


The Department’s vision is to provide excellence in music and dance education by offering innovative and timely courses and programmes, delivered and administered by dedicated and competent faculty and staff.


It is our mission to help students to develop their full intellectual potential and aesthetic sensibilities through

• Providing the space for the development of highly trained persons in music and dance performance; • Providing the space for critical reflection and debate about music and dance and their social and cultural roles;

• Seeking dynamic ways of reconstructing programmes and projects to respond to the contemporary needs of society;

• Undertaking relevant research and documentation in Music and Dance;

• Establishing linkages with institutions within and outside Ghana for the enhancement of the vision of the Department as well as the Faculty of Arts and the University as a whole.


· Integrity

· Excellence

· Tenacity